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SANG Jing,KANG Hua,WANG Jiawei,CHEN Shuhuai,XU Lingyan,WANG Mulan,HONG Liya.Establishment of Human Basophil Activation Method in Vitro[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2020,37(8):949-952.
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桑晶1, 康桦1, 王佳炜2, 陈舒怀1, 徐玲燕1, 王木兰2, 洪利娅1
1.浙江省食品药品检验研究院, 国家药品监督管理局化妆品动物替代试验技术重点实验室, 杭州 310004;2.正大青春宝药业有限公司, 杭州 310004
目的 建立基于流式细胞仪检测的体外嗜碱性粒细胞激活试验(human basophil activation test,h-BAT)方法,并探索该方法用于Ⅰ型变态反应检查的可行性。方法 利用人源白血病嗜碱性粒细胞KU812在Ⅰ型变态反应过程中经阳性剂激活后,细胞特异性表面抗原CD63和CD203表达特异性增强的原理建立体外Ⅰ型变态反应模型,并同步用人组胺酶联免疫法进行验证。结果 确定以终浓度为2μg·mL-1N-甲酰甲硫氨酰-亮氨酰-苯丙氨酸为阳性剂,孵育2 h作为流式方法检测嗜碱性粒细胞激活的阳性成立条件,细胞相对组胺释放百分比增高结果进一步确认了阳性成立条件。结论 h-BAT法有测试简便、评价客观等优点,是一种较好的过敏反应细胞模型,可以用于现有豚鼠试验的替代。
关键词:  嗜碱性粒细胞激活试验  过敏反应模型  替代方法
Establishment of Human Basophil Activation Method in Vitro
SANG Jing1, KANG Hua1, WANG Jiawei2, CHEN Shuhuai1, XU Lingyan1, WANG Mulan2, HONG Liya1
1.Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, NMPA Key Laboratory for Animal Alternative Testing Technology of Cosmetics, Hangzhou 310004, China;2.Chiatai Qingchunbao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310004, China
OBJECTIVE To establish human basophil activation test in vitro by flow cytometry, and to explore its feasibility of assessment of type I allergy reaction. METHODS By the theory of the specific expression of CD63 and CD203 in human basophil KU812 could be enhanced by positive agents, established in vitro model of type I allergy, which was verified by the result of human histamine enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Human basophil activation test by flow cytometry was set up with positive agent of 2 μg·mL-1fMLP for 2 h of incubation. The results of increase of cell histamine release percentage confirmed the positive establishment condition at the same time. CONCLUSION Human basophil activation test in vitro is a good cell model of anaphylaxis with the advantages of relatively simple and objective. It is a good animal alternative test for sensitization test with guinea pigs.
Key words:  human basophil activation test  allergic model  alternative method