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YIN Xiaoqin,JI Shunli,ZHANG Chunyan,WANG Jing,ZHU Qiuyan,CHEN Bohua.Exploration on the Standardized Model of Chronic Diseases Pharmacy Clinic and Case Introduction[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(11):1416-1419.
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殷晓芹, 吉顺莉, 张春燕, 王静, 朱秋燕, 陈伯华
南通大学附属医院药学部, 江苏 南通 226001
目的 探索慢病药学门诊的工作模式。方法 通过介绍慢病药学门诊服务模式及1例高血压伴失眠患者就诊实例,阐述慢病药学门诊各就诊步骤的服务要点。结果 通过对患者进行药物重整,用药教育及生活方式指导等药物治疗管理,患者改善了症状,提高了对疾病的认识及用药依从性。结论 慢病药学门诊规范工作模式具有一定可行性。
关键词:  慢病药学门诊  工作模式  规范性
Exploration on the Standardized Model of Chronic Diseases Pharmacy Clinic and Case Introduction
YIN Xiaoqin, JI Shunli, ZHANG Chunyan, WANG Jing, ZHU Qiuyan, CHEN Bohua
Department of Pharmacy, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China
OBJECTIVE To explore a working mode of chronic diseases pharmacy clinic. METHODS The working mode of chronic diseases pharmacy clinic was described and 1 case of hypertension accompanied by insomnia was studied in order to clarify the key points of each procedure during the chronic diseases pharmacy clinic service. RESULTS The study indicated that the patient's life quality and drug compliance were improved by medication reconciliation, medication guidance and health education. CONCLUSION It is feasible to standardize the working mode of chronic diseases pharmacy clinic.
Key words:  chronic diseases pharmacy clinic  working mode  standardized model