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QIAN Xiaoping,JIANG Yiguo,SUN Xiaoming,WANG Cheng.Construction and Application of PIVAS and Inpatient Pharmacy Integrated Intelligent Pharmacy[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2019,36(3):364-367.
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钱晓萍, 江翊国, 孙晓鸣, 王诚
苏州科技城医院, 南京医科大学附属苏州医院药学部, 江苏 苏州 215153
目的 探讨PIVAS与住院药房一体化智能药房的构建思路与应用现状。方法 介绍苏州科技城医院PIVAS与住院药房一体化智能药房的建设。从药品管理、发药模式、药品运输、调配效率、调配差错等方面分析该模式的优缺点。结果 一体化智能药房降低了药品管理成本、优化了发药模式、降低了工作强度、提升了药学服务质量、提高了药房管理水平。结论 一体化智能药房可有效地整合药房的各项工作流程,有利于开展深层次的药学服务,有进一步推广的意义。
关键词:  PIVAS  住院药房  一体化  智能药房
Construction and Application of PIVAS and Inpatient Pharmacy Integrated Intelligent Pharmacy
QIAN Xiaoping, JIANG Yiguo, SUN Xiaoming, WANG Cheng
Department of Pharmacy, Suzhou Science and Technology Town Hospital, Suzhou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Suzhou 215153, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the construction ideas and application status of the integrated intelligent pharmacy in PIVAS and inpatient pharmacy. METHODS The construction of PIVAS and inpatient pharmacy integrated intelligent pharmacy in Suzhou Science and Technology Town Hospital was introduced. The advantages and disadvantages of this mode were analyzed from the aspects of medicine management, dispensing mode, medicine transportation, allocation efficiency and allocation errors, et al. RESULTS The mode of integrated intelligent pharmacy reduced the cost of medicine management, optimized the mode of medicine dispensing, eased the intensity of work, improved the quality of pharmaceutical care, and promoted the level of pharmacy management. CONCLUSION It is proved that the mode of integrated intelligent pharmacy can effectively integrate the various working processes of the pharmacy. In addition, it is also beneficial to the deeply development of the pharmacy service, which has great significance to be further popularized.
Key words:  PIVAS  inpatient pharmacy  integration  intelligent pharmacy