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LI Yingxia,JU Chuanxia,GAO Hua,PENG Xiaoping,LIU Hao,LI Yanan,ZHAO Jingxin,HOU Xingming,LI Changhao.Antidepressant Activity Screening for the Different Separated Fractions from Chinese Herbal Compound Bugansan[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2018,35(9):1284-1289.
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目的 对补肝散醇提物不同分离组份的抗抑郁活性进行筛选。方法 采用慢性不可预知温和应激(chronicunpredictable mild stress,CUMS)对小鼠进行为期8周的造模,造模4周后,分别以盐酸帕罗西汀(paroxetine hydrochloride,PX)、补肝散醇提物、石油醚(A)、二氯甲烷(B)、乙酸乙酯(C)及正丁醇(D)4个分离组份进行为期4周的灌胃治疗,考察各组小鼠的行为学及脑内神经递质含量的变化。结果 连续给药4周(造模8周)后,PX组(0.026 g·kg-1)、补肝散醇提物组(1.92 g·kg-1)及其分离组份C(0.232 g·kg-1)、D(1.04 g·kg-1)和B(0.160 g·kg-1)组均能明显逆转模型小鼠的抑郁表现如糖水偏好率下降、强迫游泳不动时间延长等抑郁症状。能不同程度地增加其脑内额叶皮质中5-羟色胺和多巴胺的含量,其中PX、醇提物及分离组份C的作用更为明显(与模型组比较,P<0.05或<0.01)。结论 补肝散醇提物的抗抑郁活性部位主要集中于乙酸乙酯和正丁醇分离组份,其次是二氯甲烷分离组份。
关键词:  补肝散  分离组份  慢性不可预知温和应激(CUMS)  单胺类神经递质  抗抑郁
Antidepressant Activity Screening for the Different Separated Fractions from Chinese Herbal Compound Bugansan
School of Pharmacy, Qingdao University
OBJECTIVE To study the antidepressant effect of the different separated fractions from the ethanol extract of Bugansan. METHODS The stimulus on chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) model lasted 8 weeks. From the 4th week, the mice were intragastric administration with 4 kinds of polar extractions from the ethanol extract of Bugansan, petroleumether fraction (A), dichloromethane fraction (B), ethyl acetate fraction (C), N-butanol fraction (D) or paroxetine hydrochloride (PX) according to their groups for 4 weeks. The changes of performance and the neurotransmiffer content were measured. RESULTS The results showed that the performance of mice treated with PX (0.026 g·kg-1), the ethanol extract of Bugansan (1.92 g·kg-1), the ethyl acetate fraction C (0.232 g·kg-1), the butyl alcohol fraction D (1.04 g·kg-1) and the dichloromethane fraction B (0.160 g·kg-1) was improved significantly, with the consumption of sucrose increased and the forced swimming time reduced. The contents of 5-HT and dopamine in the frontal cortex of mice in groups treated with the ethanol extract of Bugansan and its fraction were all increased to various degrees, and the PX and the ethanol extract of Bugansan and its fraction C increased most appreciably (P<0.05 or <0.01). CONCLUSION The ethyl acetate fraction and the N-butanol fraction from Bugansan are chosen as the first active parts having antidepressant effect, and the dichloromethane fraction is the second.
Key words:  Chinese herbal compound Bugansan  separated fractions  chronic unpredictable mild stress (CDMS)  monoamine transmitters  antidepressant effect