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GUO Zengxi,ZHAO Weiliang,QI Yanfei,LI Wenting.Description of Monograph Changes in Zhejiang Province of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2016,33(6):790-792.
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郭增喜, 赵维良, 戚雁飞, 李文庭
浙江省食品药品检验研究院,杭州 310052
目的 介绍《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版收载品种的变化情况。方法 分为地方习用品种和独特炮制方法、新增品种和新炮制工艺品种进行介绍。结果 《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版共收载632个品种,数量较2005年版大幅减少,结论 《浙江省中药炮制规范》2015年版接轨中国药典大幅提高质量标准,并扩大了先进检测技术的应用。
关键词:  炮制规范  2015年版  收载品种  变化概况
Description of Monograph Changes in Zhejiang Province of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition
GUO Zengxi, ZHAO Weiliang, QI Yanfei, LI Wenting
Zhejiang Institute for Food and Drug Control, Hangzhou 310052, China
OBJECTIVE To describe the monograph changes in Zhejiang Province of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition. METHODS The local habitually used monograph and processing methods, the new monographs and the monographs used new processing methods were introduced in this edition of Zhejiang Province of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs. RESULTS The 2015 Edition had recorded 632 monographs in total, which was much less than the 2005 Edition. CONCLUSION Zhejiang Province of Processing Chinese Crud Drugs 2015 Edition integrates with the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and improves significantly the quality standards and expands the application of advanced techniques and methods in the standards.
Key words:  specification for processing  2015 Edition  recorded monograph  changes overview