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CHEN Ye,LIN Junbang,ZHANG Xiaodan,BAO Shihui,QIAN Jianchang.Investigation Report of Community Pharmaceutical Service Ⅱ[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2015,32(2):220-224.
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陈晔1, 林俊榜2, 张晓丹1, 鲍仕慧3, 钱建畅4
1.温州市第七人民医院,浙江 温州 325000;2.温州市蒲鞋市社区卫生服务中心,浙江 温州 325000;3.温州医科大学附属第二医院,浙江 温州 325000;4.复旦大学药学院,上海 201203
目的 调查分析社区老年人群用药常识及对社区药学服务的需求情况,为社区开展老年人药学服务提供理论依据。方法 对温州12个社区的居民进行问卷调查,选取60岁以上老年人与60以下的成年人进行对比分析。结果 社区老年人健康问题以高血压、糖尿病等慢性病为主;社区老年人与非老年人在社区卫生服务中心购药的比例分别为58.25%与42.42%;79.80%老年人有家中备药习惯,但仅13.13%老年人按说明书中贮存要求存放药品;老年组与非老年组相比,用药误区存在显著性差异,老年组用药问题相对较多,在合理用药知识宣传、指导家庭备用药的选用及上门服务等药学服务方面存在更大的需求。结论 社区老年人用药存在诸多问题,对社区药学服务的需求非常迫切。老年人社区药学服务目前还处于初级探索阶段,还需要社区药师发挥专业特长不断探索,不断实践,不断创新,让药学服务模式融入到社区卫生服务。
关键词:  老年人  用药常识  药学服务  需求  调查分析
Investigation Report of Community Pharmaceutical Service Ⅱ
CHEN Ye1, LIN Junbang2, ZHANG Xiaodan1, BAO Shihui3, QIAN Jianchang4
1.The Seventh People’s Hospital of Wenzhou,Wenzhou 325000, China;2.Wenzhou Puxieshi Community Health Care Center, Wenzhou 325000, China;3.The Second Hospital Affiliated to Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325000, China;4.Pharmacy School of Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the common sense of medication in the elderly people, and their demand of community pharmacy services, to provide the theory basis for community pharmacy services for senior citizen in community. METHODS Totally, 12 communities were recruited for questionnaire survey. At present study, the people were divided into two groups at the threshold of 60 years old. Finally, the comparative analysis was done referring to the survey results. RESULTS The major health problems in senior citizens in community were chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes. There were 58.25% elderly people and 42.42% younger ones prefer to purchasing medicine at community health service center. And 79.80% senior citizens accustomed to storing common medicine at home, but only 13.13% of them reserved drugs in a right way according with the instruction. There was a significant difference between the senior citizens group and the junior citizens group in rightly using drugs. The former had much more problems than junior citizens. Elderly group had much greater demands to propaganda about rational use of drugs, guide of choosing the family standing pharmacy and door-to-door pharmacy services in senior citizens group. CONCLUSION The elderly people have much more problems in rightly using drugs. They also urgently demand community pharmacy service. Community pharmacy service for senior citizens is undergoing the initial stage, so there is still a long way to integrate pharmacy service into community health service. To speed up such a process, pharmacists need to enthusiastic on exploring and innovating a right way.
Key words:  senior citizens  common sense of medication  pharmacy service  demand  investigation and analysis