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YUAN Hehua,ZHANG Li,CAO Can,WANG Ping.Intervention and Effect of Perioperative Antimicrobial Application in Patients Undergoing Aseptic Operation Prophylactic[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(6):670-675.
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袁荷花1, 张莉1, 曹参2, 王萍1
1.南京医科大学第二附属医院药剂科,南京 210011;2.南京医科大学药学院,南京 210029
目的 调查南京某医院加强围手术期预防性应用抗菌药物管理的成效。方法 采用回顾性的调查方法,在该院外科常见的3种Ⅰ类切口手术(腹外疝、乳房、甲状腺手术)中随机抽取2011年2~3月、8~9月以及2012年2~3月出院病例各60例(共180例),分别作为干预前组、干预后第1阶段组及干预后第2阶段组,对围术期预防用药进行统计分析。结果 Ⅰ类切口手术围手术期抗菌药物使用率从干预前的100.00%下降至干预后第2阶段的21.67%。干预前围术期预防性应用抗菌药存在的主要问题如选药品种错误和术后用药时间过长,经加强管理后,均有所改善。结论 该院外科围术期预防用抗菌药物渐趋合理,但仍需进一步提高合理用药水平。
关键词:  围手术期  抗菌药物预防  干预  合理性
Intervention and Effect of Perioperative Antimicrobial Application in Patients Undergoing Aseptic Operation Prophylactic
YUAN Hehua1, ZHANG Li1, CAO Can2, WANG Ping1
1.The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210011, China;2.College of Pharmacy, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effect of strict management of prophylactic use of antimicrobials in patients during perioperative period. METHODS Selected the urinary surgery patients undergoing aseptic operation (abdominal external hernia, breast, thyroid operation) from February to March 2011, August to September 2009 and February to March 2012 at random, and then divided into pre-intervention group, the first stage of post-intervention group, and the second stage of post-intervention group, 60 cases in each group. The clinical application of antibiotics of 180 surgical patients were analyzed. RESULTS Perioperative antimicrobial prophylactic application rate in patients undergoing aseptic operation decreased from 100.00% in pre-intervention group to 21.67% in the second stage of post-intervention. The main problems of irrational application were the incorrect choice of medicine and long term use. CONCLUSION Prophylactic use of antimicrobials in perioperative patients exist unreasonable factors. Reinforcing management of antimicrobials can improve rationality of prophylactic use.
Key words:  perioperative period  antimicrobial prophylaxis  intervention  rationality