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BAI Ming,LIU Dandan,MIAO Junxian,MIAO Mingsan.Anti-inflammatory Effects of Oil Paste of Different Varieties Rhubarb by External Use on Skin Ulcers Model and Hemorrhoids Model in Rats[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(6):575-581.
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白明, 刘丹丹, 缪君娴, 苗明三
河南中医学院,郑州 450008
目的 通过对大黄的外用实验研究,总结其外用功能。方法 观察3种大黄油糊外用对大鼠蛋清性足跖肿胀、二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀、大鼠创伤性皮肤溃疡、99.0%醋酸溶液致大鼠痔疮模型的影响。结果 大、小剂量掌叶大黄、唐古特大黄、药用大黄油糊均可显著抑制大鼠蛋清性足跖肿胀和二甲苯致小鼠耳廓肿胀,明显减少大鼠创伤性皮肤溃疡的面积、促进溃疡皮肤角质层、鳞状细胞层和局部病理组织的恢复,可显著加快大鼠肛周皮肤溃疡的愈合。结论 大黄可促进病理组织的修复,加快溃疡面积的愈合,外用有收敛生肌的功能。
关键词:  大黄  外用  皮肤溃疡  痔疮
Anti-inflammatory Effects of Oil Paste of Different Varieties Rhubarb by External Use on Skin Ulcers Model and Hemorrhoids Model in Rats
BAI Ming, LIU Dandan, MIAO Junxian, MIAO Mingsan
Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450008, China
OBJECTIVE To summarize the external function of rhubarb through the experimental study of external use. METHODS Observe the effects of three varieties of rhubarb for external use on rats pedis swelling caused by egg white, auricle tumefaction mice induced by dimethyl benzene, rats traumatic skin ulcer, hemorrhoids in rats induced by 99.0% acetic acid. RESULTS The large and low dose of Rheum palmatum, Rheum tanguticum Maxim, and Rheum officinale Baill significantly inhibited rats pedis swelling by egg white and dimethyl benzene of auricle tumefaction mice, obviously reduced the traumatic skin ulcers area, and promoted skin cutin layer ulcer, squamous cell layer and local pathological organization recovery, and could significantly speed up the rat perianal skin ulcer healing. CONCLUSION External use rhubarb can repair pathological tissue, speed up the uleer area healing, and promote regeneration of tissue for astringency.
Key words:  rhubarb  external use  skin ulcers  hemorrhoids