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LI Xiumin,TANG Zhan,WANG Qiao.Research progress on ophthalmic drug delivery systems[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(18):2296-2304.
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李秀敏, 汤湛, 王俏
杭州医学院药学院, 杭州 310013
关键词:    纳米载药系统  原位凝胶  植入剂  角膜接触镜
Research progress on ophthalmic drug delivery systems
LI Xiumin, TANG Zhan, WANG Qiao
Department of Pharmacy, Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou 310013, China
Due to the special physiological structure and the existence of barriers, traditional ocular preparations having some disadvantages of low bioavailability, short retention time and strong irritation in ocular, are difficult to achieve target treatment effect. Recently, with the application of various new technology, such as nano preparations, implants and contact lenses, et al, ocular drug delivery systems have made a great progress. Nanomaterials including polymeric micelles, nanoparticles, nanosuspensions, liposomes and nanoemulsions, etc, have been widely used for ocular drug delivery system, because they have the characteristics of small size, degradability, strong targeting and little irritation to biological tissues. Currently, the above new technologies have shown good application prospects in ocular drug delivery systems. In this paper, the development in these areas in recent years are reviewed in order to provide reference for the development of ocular drug delivery systems.
Key words:  ocular  nano drug delivery system  in situ gels  implant  contact lenses