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GONG Qiaoyan,ZHU Hong,CHEN Yuxian,Guan Mei.Investigation and Analysis on Management Status of Hospital Key Monitoring Drugs in 88 Tertiary Hospitals from Sichuan Province[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(17):2134-2139.
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龚巧燕, 朱洪, 陈俞先, 管玫
四川大学华西医院临床药学部, 成都 610041
目的 了解四川省三级医院重点监控药品分布及管理现状,为进一步管理并促进合理用药提供参考。方法 通过网络平台收集四川省三级医院省重点监控药品及医院重点监控药品相关数据并进行汇总分析。结果 共收到88家三级医院填报的数据,88家医院均有省重点监控药品目录中的品种,其中,32家(36.36%)医院存在未将医院药品供应目录中现有的省重点监控药品纳入院重点监控药品目录的情况。86家医院建立了院重点监控药品目录,纳入品种中包含了省重点监控药品(平均品种数为7.31种)和其他药品(平均品种数为6.36种)。88家医院的其他药品纳入品种总数排名前4位的分别为中药注射剂25种、抗菌药物23种、神经系统用药22种、省重点监控药品20种;各类药品的品种占比排名前3位的分别为省重点监控药品(53.49%)、中药注射剂(14.29%)、质子泵抑制剂(9.61%)。2019年省重点监控药品销售金额占比较2018年平均下降了1.21%(2018年4.84%,2019年3.63%)。结论 在省重点监控药品目录颁布后,各医院结合临床诊疗实际制定了医院的重点监控药品目录,但仍存在对于省重点监控药品管理不足、销售金额占比下降幅度偏小的情况。各医院需进一步加强对医院重点监控药品的管理,以促进合理用药。
关键词:  重点监控药品  管理现状  合理用药
Investigation and Analysis on Management Status of Hospital Key Monitoring Drugs in 88 Tertiary Hospitals from Sichuan Province
GONG Qiaoyan, ZHU Hong, CHEN Yuxian, Guan Mei
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
OBJECTIVE To understand the distribution and management status of key monitoring drugs in tertiary hospitals in Sichuan Province, and to provide reference for further management and promoting rational use of drugs. METHODS Through the network platform, the data of the provincial key monitoring drugs and hospital key monitoring drugs voluntarily submited by tertiary hospitals in Sichuan Province were collected and analyzed. RESULTS The data from a total of 88 tertiary hospitals were collected. There were provincial key monitoring drugs in all 88 hospitals, of which the existing provincial key monitoring drugs in the hospital's drug supply catalogue from 32 hospitals(36.36%) were not included in hospital key monitoring drugs. The catalogue of hospital key monitoring drugs were established in 86 hospitals, including provincial key monitoring drugs(average 7.31 varieties) and other drugs(average 6.36 varieties). The top four drugs included in 88 hospitals were 25 traditional Chinese medicine injections, 23 antibacterial drugs, 22 nervous system drugs and 20 provincial key monitoring drugs. The top three drugs on variety proportion were 53.49% of provincial key monitoring drugs, 14.29% of traditional Chinese medicine injections, 9.61% of proton pump inhibitors respectively. In 2019, the sales amount of provincial key monitoring drugs decreased by 1.21% on average compared with 2018(4.84% in 2018 and 3.63% in 2019). CONCLUSION After the promulgation of the provincial key monitoring drugs catalogue, the hospital key monitoring drugs catalogue based on the clinical diagnosis and treatment practice are formulated in each hospital, but there are still some problems such as insufficient management of the provincial key monitoring drugs and small decrease in the proportion of sales amount. The hospital management of key monitoring drugs should be further strengthened to promote rational use of drugs.
Key words:  key monitoring drugs  management status  rational drug use