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HUANG Chunyan,CHEN Shizhi,WU Shujuan,ZHANG Fangfang,CHEN Xiaohai,HUANG Peng.Pharmaceutical Practice of Clinical Pharmacists Participated in A Patient with Heart Failure and Hypotension Caused by Left Ventricular Noncompaction[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2021,38(17):2120-2123.
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黄春燕1, 陈世志2, 吴淑娟1, 张芳芳1, 陈晓孩1, 黄鹏1
1.温州医科大学附属第三医院药学部, 浙江 温州 325000;2.温州医科大学附属第三医院心血管内科, 浙江 温州 325000
目的 探讨临床药师在左室心肌致密化不全致心力衰竭伴低血压患者治疗过程中发挥的作用。方法 临床药师参与1例左室心肌致密化不全致心力衰竭伴低血压患者的治疗过程,实施全程药学监护,以便评估疗效及不良反应。结果 临床医师采纳临床药师建议的给药方案,该患者在药物治疗11个月后,临床症状消失,心脏功能和结构指标明显改善,期间未出现症状性低血压等不良反应。结论 临床药师参与患者个体化用药方案的制定,促进了临床合理用药,确保患者用药安全。
关键词:  临床药师  左室心肌致密化不全  心力衰竭  低血压  药物治疗
Pharmaceutical Practice of Clinical Pharmacists Participated in A Patient with Heart Failure and Hypotension Caused by Left Ventricular Noncompaction
HUANG Chunyan,CHEN Shizhi,WU Shujuan,ZHANG Fangfang,CHEN Xiaohai,HUANG Peng
Department of Pharmacy, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University, Wenzhou 325000, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the role of clinical pharmacists in the treatment of a patient with heart failure and hypotension caused by left ventricular noncompaction. METHODS Clinical pharmacists participated in the treatment of a patient with heart failure and hypotension caused by left ventricular noncompaction, and implemented full-course pharmaceutical monitoring to evaluate the efficacy and adverse reactions. RESULTS Clinicians adopted the administration regimen recommended by the clinical pharmacist. After 11 months of drug treatment, the patient's clinical symptoms disappeared, and the cardiac function and structural indicators were significantly improved. During the period, there was no adverse reactions such as symptomatic hypotension. CONCLUSION The participation of clinical pharmacists in the formulation of individual medication plan, which promotes rational drug use and guarantee the safety of drug use.
Key words:  clinical pharmacist  left ventricular noncompaction  heart failure  hypotension  drug treatment