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CEN Xiaolei,LI Min,LIN Susu,WANG Ting*,TONG Yingpeng*.Analysis of Animal Models and Signal Pathways of Depression Based on Data Mining[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2024,41(4):567-582.
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岑潇磊1, 李敏1, 林素素2, 王婷*1, 童应鹏*3
1.台州学院医学院,浙江 台州;2.嘉兴学院附属第一医院药学部,浙江 嘉兴 314001;3.台州学院药学院/天然产物与健康产品研究所,浙江 台州 318000
关键词:  抑郁症  动物模型  信号通路
Analysis of Animal Models and Signal Pathways of Depression Based on Data Mining
CEN Xiaolei1, LI Min1, LIN Susu2, WANG Ting*1, TONG Yingpeng*3
1.Taizhou University, School of Medicine, Taizhou 318000, China;2.The First Hospital of Jiaxing, Affiliated Hospital of Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, China;3.Taizhou University, Medicine and Health Product, School of Pharmacy, Taizhou 318000, China
Depression is a common disease that affects human mental health in today’s society. The establishment of animal model of depression is of great significance to the study of depression. In recent years, people’s research on depression has gradually increased, and the modeling methods of depression animals have been gradually enriched. Due to the reasons of operation and cost, the modeling of depression in rodents is more common and mature. At present, the main animal models of depression include stress model, drug model, surgical model and genetic model. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. Appropriate methods can be selected according to the research purpose, so as to conduct in-depth research on depression. Recent studies have found that some brain signal pathways have become new targets for the treatment of depression. These signal pathways are closely related to depression, and the drugs acting on these targets have significant curative effects. Therefore, this paper reviewed the research progress of animal models and signal pathways of depression in recent years, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the study of the pathogenesis of depression.
Key words:  depression  animal model  signal pathway