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TU Jiehong,CHEN Weiguang,WANG Zhaolei,SHEN Yan,HE Jiawei.Monosaccharide Composition Analysis and Compare the Content of Polysaccharides in Different Harvest Time from Trichosanthis Radix[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2011,28(7):666-668.
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屠婕红, 陈伟光, 王照雷, 沈燕, 何嘉威
嘉兴学院医学院,浙江 嘉兴 314001
目的 从天花粉中提取纯化多糖,在分析其单糖组成的基础上,建立测定天花粉多糖含量的方法,比较不同采挖时期天花粉中多糖含量的变化,为确定天花粉适宜的采挖时间提供依据。方法 薄层色谱法和气相色谱法分析天花粉多糖的糖基组成,多糖的含量测定采用改良的苯酚-硫酸法。结果 组成天花粉多糖的单糖残基为葡萄糖;9月~12月及次年1月所采挖的5批药材多糖含量分别为7.51%,6.16%,10.40%,18.90%和17.81%。结论 天花粉多糖是一种由葡萄糖组成的均多糖;不同时期采挖的天花粉中多糖含量有显著差异,以12月和1月采挖的天花粉中多糖含量最高,所得结果对药材采收时间的确定有指导意义。
关键词:  天花粉  多糖  单糖组成  含量
Monosaccharide Composition Analysis and Compare the Content of Polysaccharides in Different Harvest Time from Trichosanthis Radix
TU Jiehong, CHEN Weiguang, WANG Zhaolei, SHEN Yan, HE Jiawei
The Medical School of Jiaxing College, Jiaxing 314001, China
OBJECTIVE To study the isolation and composition of polysaccharides from Trichosanthis Radix. To determine and compare the content of polysaccharides in different harvest time. METHODS The monosaccharide composition was determined by GC and TLC. The content of polysaccharides was measured by modified phenol-sulfuric acid method. RESULTS The results indicated the polysaccharide was composed of glucose. The contents of polysaccharide were 7.51%, 6.16%, 10.40%, 18.90% and 17.81% respectively in five samples of Trichosanthis Radix. CONCLUSION The monosaccharide composition in polysaccharide from Trichosanthis Radix is glucose. The content of polysaccharides in Trichosanthis Radix of different harvest time is obviously different. The highest levels of polysaccharides among the samples are in December and January respectively. The results are useful to determinating the best harvest time of Trichosanthis Radix.
Key words:  Trichosanthis Radix  polysaccharide  monosaccharide composition  content