杜兴. HPLC测定复方甲硝唑片中各组分的含量[J]. 中国现代应用药学, 2001, (3): 219-220.
    引用本文: 杜兴. HPLC测定复方甲硝唑片中各组分的含量[J]. 中国现代应用药学, 2001, (3): 219-220.
    Du Xing(Du X). Determination of complex metronidazole tablets by HPLC[J]. The Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy, 2001, (3): 219-220.
    Citation: Du Xing(Du X). Determination of complex metronidazole tablets by HPLC[J]. The Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy, 2001, (3): 219-220.


    Determination of complex metronidazole tablets by HPLC

