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DUAN Xiaohong,CHEN She,WANG Xiaohui,LAI Xiaoxiao,WANG Yinyan,LUO Yini,WU Junbiao,LIN Hua.Application of Internet to Explore Pharmaceutical Service Mode Based on the Questionnaire Survey[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2017,34(9):1343-1346.
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段晓红, 陈设, 汪小惠, 赖潇潇, 王颖彦, 罗懿妮, 吴俊标, 林华
广东省中医院药学部, 广州 510120
目的 研究患者对"互联网+"药事服务的接受程度及未来搭建网上药事服务平台的方向,探讨"互联网+"时代下药事服务类型及模式。方法 自制调查问卷,经过三轮专家审阅后形成问卷,在省内的3家"三甲"医院对600例门诊患者发放问卷。结果 488例患者中417例(85.5%)认为药师通过互联网提供药学服务是有必要的,其中网上预约药物配送、网上药师咨询、网上用药教育、药学知识的科普及网上售药的接受程度分别为73.5%,78.2%,64.3%,70.4%,47.4%。网上药师咨询中微信(68.8%)最受中青年患者的欢迎,中老年患者偏爱电话及短信等服务。当前"互联网+"药事服务在医保报销、运营监管、物流配送等方面存在问题。结论 "互联网+"药事服务是一种值得探讨的新型服务模式,其开展需完善相关的法律法规并加强监管,为患者的权益提供保障。
关键词:  互联网  药学服务  调查问卷
Application of Internet to Explore Pharmaceutical Service Mode Based on the Questionnaire Survey
DUAN Xiaohong, CHEN She, WANG Xiaohui, LAI Xiaoxiao, WANG Yinyan, LUO Yini, WU Junbiao, LIN Hua
The Second Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510120, China
OBJECTIVE To study the acceptance of patients' in Internet + pharmaceutical service and the direction of future online pharmaceutical service platform, explore pharmaceutical service type and mode which patients' need. METHODS The questionnaire was self-made, formed after three rounds of expert review. The 600 questionnaires were sent to outpatient in three of Class 3A comprehensive hospital in Guangdong provience. RESULTS 417(85.5%) of the 488 patients considered it necessary for pharmacists to provide online pharmaceutical services, and the acceptance rates of online drug delivery ordering, online pharmacist consultation, online medication instructions, online pharmaceutical education, and online drugs sale were 73.5%, 78.2%, 64.3%, 70.4%, and 47.4%, respectively. Among the online pharmacist consultation channels, Wechat (68.8%) was the most popular among young and middle-aged patients, and the services including text message were preferred by older patients. The problems mainly include health insurance, operation supervision and logistics distribution, etc were existed. CONCLUSION Internet + pharmaceutical service is a new kind of service mode, worthy to be discussed. The laws and regulations should improve to guarantee the lawful rights and benefits of the patients.
Key words:  internet  pharmaceutical care  questionnaire