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TANG Peipei,BAI Ming,YIN Juntao,MIAO Mingsan.External Curative Effect of Gardenia Powder with Vinegar in Rat Model of Blood Stasis[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2013,30(4):348-352.
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汤佩佩, 白明, 尹俊涛, 苗明三
河南中医学院,郑州 450008
目的 探讨栀子细粉醋糊局部外用对大鼠血瘀模型的影响。方法 用砝码砸伤大鼠右后肢,造大鼠血瘀模型。观察高、低剂量栀子细粉醋糊局部外敷对血瘀模型局部症状积分、血液流变学和局部病理变化的影响。结果 高、低剂量栀子细粉醋糊给血瘀模型大鼠局部外用,使受伤右后肢周长显著减小,明显减轻外伤血瘀症状,明显改善血液流变学指标,显著减轻外伤血瘀局部病理变化。结论 栀子细粉醋糊局部外用对大鼠血瘀模型有好的治疗作用。
关键词:  栀子细粉醋糊  外用  血瘀模型
External Curative Effect of Gardenia Powder with Vinegar in Rat Model of Blood Stasis
TANG Peipei, BAI Ming, YIN Juntao, MIAO Mingsan
Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450008, China
OBJECTIVE To explore the external curative effect of Gardenia powder vinegar paste in rat model of blood stasis. METHODS Rat model of blood stasis was established by weight in the right lower limb soft tissue of rats, and then treated with large and low-dose Gardenia powder vinegar paste. Symptom scores of damaged tissue, hemorheology and pathological changes were observed. RESULTS High and low-dose Gardenia powder vinegar paste could reduce significantly symptom scores of damaged tissue, significantly reduced the pain symptoms of sprain and obviously improved hemorheology, so Gardenia powder vinegar paste could significantly reduce pain in lesions sprain. CONCLUSION Gardenia powder vinegar paste has good local external curative effect on rat model of blood stasis.
Key words:  Gardenia powder vinegar paste  external curative effect  rat model of blood stasis