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.Review and Summarization: the Unified Processing Work With Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Drafting of Chinese Pharmacopoeia[J].Chin J Mod Appl Pharm(中国现代应用药学),2010,27(5):406-409.
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目的 认识2010版药典起草用饮片样品炮制加工工作的重要性,并剖析药材检验生产中遇到的问题,以期进一步推动中药饮片质量标准相关性研究工作的开展。方法 回顾这一工作的历程,就此项工作的背景、意义以及药材检验生产中遇到的问题做一剖析。结果 认为该项工作可以使样品的准确性更高、更具可追溯性,有效地提高新版药典中饮片质量标准的科学性,并为中药饮片标准的制定奠定基础,进而对规范中药饮片市场起到积极的促进作用。结论 性状鉴别的基础性作用仍应重视,某些药材指标成分有待深入研究,饮片质量标准应做到“统而不一”,某些药材的炮制方法值得商榷,炮制所用辅料也应统一规范。
关键词:  中药饮片  炮制加工  2010版中国药典
Review and Summarization: the Unified Processing Work With Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Drafting of Chinese Pharmacopoeia
LI Ruizhi1  LI Changyu1*  ZHU Chunhui1  ZHANG Yun2  CAI Baochang3
OBJECTIVE To understand the importance of the unified processing work with Chinese herbal medicine for the drafting of the 2010 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia, then analyze problems of the production of medicinal test, and with a view to further promote the pharmacopoeia samples associated with the drafting of research work. METHODS Review the course of this work, then analyze the background, significance, and the issues encountered in the production and test of medicine. RESULTS This work is useful for the higher accuracy and more traceability of the sample. Meanwhile, it effectively improves the scientific standards of the medicine quality in the new pieces, and settles basis for the development of standards of herbal pieces, and then plays positive role in regulating the market of decoction pieces. CONCLUSION It should attach importance to the basic role of character identification. Some raw material for medicine target ingredient lacks the recognition, and it needs further research yet. The standard should be "Uniform but not the only". Certain medicines processing standard in 2005 edition of Pharmacopoeia should be improved. It's still necessary to develop a series of standards about the production of materials and processing machinery.
Key words:  herbal pieces  concocted processing  ChP(2010)